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A bomb shelter for the war on your mind

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Who Are We?

Jody Ledgerwood

Jody is a Momma Bear and Freedom Fighter. Warrior and ‘Anti-Vax Karen’ are some of the labels she wears proudly. Jody is a staunch supporter of human rights, free will, the rule of law, education and protecting our children. Empowering people, sharing truth and organizing events are some of the things she is well known for.

The lockdowns in March 2020 changed Jody’s life direction significantly.  Like many others, her family, career and social life was drastically affected by the Government’s Deceitful Narrative. Always one to question WHY and play Devil’s Advocate, Jody began her in-depth research and refused to just sit back and allow things to happen to her family, friends and community around her; instead, she became a ferocious “Momma Bear” and “Freedom Fighter”.

Jody divides her time by;
First, researching and sharing information on social media and within social circles. 
Second, fighting a legal battle with the real estate industry who tried to censor her Activism activities.
Third, putting together “Know Your Rights” legal seminars and downloadable packages to empower the public.
Fourth, showing the world how to stand up for themselves in real world circumstances (Childrens Play Dates in the Park, Church Service in the Park, Eaton Centre Video, Serving the Police videos, travelling videos, Anti-Vaxx Karen video).
Fifth, collaborating with Freedom Organizations to organize rallies, protests and information events (Vaccine Vigils, CPSO rallies, Media is the Virus Rallies, Shinny Night in Canada – Kids Hockey & other Sporting Events, Truckers Freedom Convoy, Do No Harm Tour, Justice for the Vaccinated Tour).
Sixth, joined Cris Vleck in diving deep into researching politics, legislation, court cases, human interest stories, medical information and rabbit hole conspiracies and then delivering those truths on our twice weekly podcast. 

Cris Vleck

Cris is a 25 year communications strategist. Before the covid wars began Cris had been a stand up comic, founder of an advertising agency, social media officer for the provincial government, author and most recently, a screenwriter.  Cris spotted the global deception early and has spent the last few years exposing lies and creating campaigns to combat the most diabolical psychological warfare operation in human history. He is one of the co-founders of Justice for the Vaccinated and co-host of The Fringe Majority livecast with his partner, Jody Ledgerwood.

Like many people, Cris has seen a disturbing rise in the assault on free speech and free exchange of ideas.
The current federal communications plan is focused on selling the Canadian people on the idea of relinquishing their freedoms to the government. When people not only give up their freedoms, but shoot arrows in the back of others trying to protect those same freedoms, then we have abandoned critical thinking and reason. Make no mistake – our country is in peril. We have never been more divided. This can all be boiled down to one thing. Communication. When communication has been weaponized by a country’s government and unleashed on its own citizens then it ceases to be a communication plan. It has become propaganda. Cris intends to pull back the curtain and reveal this propaganda until he can no longer do so.

Cris’s focus is on exposing the manipulation of our government’s public facing communications. Cris intends to pull back the curtain and reveal this propaganda until he can no longer do so. Cris is a member of Take Action Canada, was a producer and writer for Will Dove’s ‘That Friday Show’ and is on the team that created the Justice for the Vaccinated campaign.

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