
Dr. Charles Hoffe talks about the B.C. government's attempt to discredit him.

Danny Bulford - ex-security detail for Justin Trudeau - on mandates, the Ottawa Convoy and the ongoing Emergency Measures Commission.

We're joined by Wayne Peters, What's Up Canada, Ethics Over Fear, and the Looking Glass Media Coalition.

We are joined by special guest and our good friend Vladislav Sobolev of As a person who fled soviet control in search of freedom, Vlad has a unique perspective on the current situation in Canada.

Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Chris Shoemaker, B Love and lawyer Michael Alexander talk about the Do No Harm Tour.

Filmmaker Todd Michael Harris of Live in the Time of Covid and Uninformed Consent joins us to talk about his upcoming project.

Jody and Cris talk about the US election fraud with Marly Hornik, Randy Barber, and AJ from

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Christie Hutcherson exposes human trafficking.

We talk with Mama Bears from Canada and the US. Chrystal Peters and Kimberly Reicks help expose the SOGI secrets.

We are joined by Jim Machuga and Jim Tingley from the US based 2 Guys Drinking Coffee Livestream. We get caught up on the American news.

We welcome special guest Dr. Mark Trozzi. He'll catch us up with what he's been doing and then we'll open the floor to your questions

Dr. Dayan Goodenowe discusses his breakthrough supplement formula, Prodrome.

On the one year anniversary of the Freedom Convoy 2022 we thought it was appropriate to talk with original convoy organizer, Brigitte Belton.

Thomas Androvic, PPC candidate talks about the Ukraine, Russia and how it relates to Canada.

Guests Kristen Nagle and Sarah Choujounian talk about their legal challenges.

Lawyer Eva Chipiuk talks about key moments from the Public Emergency Order Commission

We are joined by special guest and unstoppable force Dr. Paul Alexander.

James Roguski talks about the WHO amendments that countries are trying to sneak through. It means that our nation's medical sovereignty will be lost forever.

Edward Embry is a farmer in Ontario. He is also a researcher and has uncovered many things about the manipulation of our food supply

True Hope micro nutrients heal depression and anxiety as well as help with overall health. These sound like big claims and they are. It took a ten year battle with health Canada for David Stephan to win the right to make those claims.

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